Dr. Becca Fenwick
Co-Founder and Director of CIDER
Saara Korpela
Administrative and Program Assistant
Katia Obraczka
Campus Director of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, UC Santa Cruz
Michael Matkin
Co-Founder of CIDER
Executive Director of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, UC Santa Cruz
Dr. Jon Detka
Senior Drone Pilot
Kelsey Hilton
Drone Pilot and Technician
Dr. Brandon Stark
Director of the UC Center of Excellence on Unmanned Aircraft System Safety
Prof. Elizabeth Stevens
UCSC Department of Arts
Prof. J. Cameron Munroe
UCSC Department of Anthropology
Prof. Jeff Bury
Director of the Center for Integrated Spatial Research
Assistant Prof. Roxanne Beltran
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Assistant Prof. Steve McGuire
Baskin School of Engineering
Prof. Greg Gilbert
Department of Environmental Studies
Dr. Kyle Robertson
Assistant Director
Center for Public Philosophy

Andrew Song
Computer Science
Brayan Vaca
Electrical Engineering
Chamonix Toledo
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Chris Avila
Planetary Earth Science
Connor Guzikowski
Robotics Engineering
Daniel Harper
Economics and Environmental Studies
Gabe Gomez
Hannah Ingebretsen
Jacob Lutz
Environmental Studies
Julia Mcleod
Environmental Studies
Juniper Allen-Cantu
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Kelli Ong
Marine Biology
Khushi Shah
Robotics Engineering
Lilith Guzman
Environmental Studies and Legal Studies
Mauricio Chavez
Megan Pajarito
Micaela House
Electrical Engineering
Miguel Tamayo
Computer Engineering
Roma Solapurkar
Computer Science
Seenara Khan
Robotics and Control Engineering
Stella Tuchrello
Vanessa Garcia
Marine Biology
Zola Nesbitt
Environmental Studies
Aidan Venckus
Senior, Comp. Engineering
Alejandro Morgana
Senior, Anthropology
Andrei De Bato
Junior, Comp. Engineering
Aram Chesmishkian
Senior, Comp. Engineering
Armando Ornelas
Junior, Neuroscience
Astrid Hypernova
Senior, Anthropology
Catherine Rimmer
Junior, Marine Biology
Elias Hovorka
Senior, Sociology
Isabella Garfield
Sophomore, Marine Biology
Matthew Bennett
Senior, Robotics
Lauren Castaneda
Senior, Anthropology
Luca Altaffer
Senior, Physics
Shawnesty Brown
Senior, Environmental Studies
Surina Beal
Sophomore, Chemistry
Nicholas Kuipers
Junior, Comp. Engineering
Qingyuan Cao
Sophomore, Robotics
Uriel Antonio
Senior, Robotics
Winson Chen
Senior, Computer Science